In winter, the question of how to store shoes is particularly urgent. After all, even the most ordinary people have too many shoes: warm boots, comfortable boots for ice, rubber boots for slush – this is just the necessary minimum for the cold season. Moreover, the same goes for each family member! Besides, you need to put summer shoes somewhere so that they don’t get stuck in the hallway. So how to organize the storage of all these sneakers, high heels, and shoes in the apartment? We have as many as 12 ideas.
Storage in the closet
If you have a separate closet, the easiest way is to keep boots and shoes there. Just arrange the shelves properly. Some people choose small suspended shelves for this purpose, others prefer hooks and special hangers, while others simply nail a plank to the wall and hang shoes on it by the heel.
Besides, ordinary wooden boxes for fruit look great in the dressing room, if they are nailed to the wall by the bottom and decorated with bright acrylic paints.
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Cupboards and shoe racks
If you don’t have a closet, you can store your favorite shoes in a special cupboard or on a shoe rack. All your shoes can be clearly seen on separate shelves there. However, you can put street sneakers or shoes there only clean and dry, otherwise, the rest of the shoes will become dusty as well. Special holders for dirty shoes in the hallway are a great option. They sell those in stores, and they look like shallow plastic trays. You can also make one yourself:
- take the lid of the big shoe box;
- cover the bottom with a waterproof material;
- fill with colorful pebbles – the shoe tray is ready!
You can put the boots that you have not had time to wash yet in it – you don’t always have a chance to immediately take up a wet sponge after returning home. Now you have a temporary place in the hallway where it is especially convenient to store shoes.
Suspended shelves
They look good both in the dressing room and in the hallway. They are convenient because they allow keeping all the boots and shoes suspended, so they don’t interfere with the daily cleaning. Here you can put all the shoes compactly, which is very important in a small apartment. Hang lots of such shelves to hold shoes and sneakers for all family members.
Organizers and cabinet compartments
You don’t have to buy a special closet for shoes, especially since there is not always enough space for it in a small hallway. You can find a transparent organizer with multiple cells, which is convenient to keep in the closet. However, please note that its walls must be more or less dense, otherwise, the shoes will clump together and put pressure on each other, which is not good.
Also, stores often sell special compartments for storing on the lower shelves in the closet. They can be left open or closed. They are particularly convenient in a small apartment, where there are only one or two closets for all family members. This way shoes will not gather dust in the hallway, waiting in the wings.
Boot hangers
If you do not know how to store leather shoes between seasons, take a look at the special hangers for boots. With their help, it is easy to store tall leather boots that do not fit into the compartments and on the shelves. The boots will just hang on a hanger in the closet and will not deform over time. By the way, trousers hangers can be used for this purpose, as well.
Slim drawer unit
The slim drawer unit is a special chest of drawers, in which the shelves open to 180 degrees. Each of them has three horizontal compartments and several vertical ones. With the help of such furniture, you can store all the shoes right in the hallway and at the same time not run across them every time. These compact cabinets will fit even in a small apartment.
Retail store equipment
Retailers have an understanding of how to store shoes properly, which is why a large number of stands designed for stores will look great in the dressing room, too. Small rotating modules are also suitable for storage in the cabinet. Their beauty is that those stands are easy to reach and move from one place to another.
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Different boxes are a traditional means of storage, though it is not so simple to find the right pair in them right away. However, you can stick a photo of shoes on the outside of each of these boxes, or you can sign them and put them in the attic. By the way, this is the best way to properly store leather shoes. Moreover, in order not to get lost among the boxes, make one side transparent by cutting a window in it and sealing it with clear tape.
Cloth holders
For storing summer flip-flops and sandals, you can use cloth cases. You can even sew them yourself!
You can hang such a homemade organizer in the closet or on the inner side of the closet door. Those bright pockets are essential in the nursery, as they can fit almost any child’s shoes.
Place under the stairs
Happy owners of large houses can store shoes not only in the dressing room but also in special boxes under the stairs. They can be moved out, are easy to wash, and most importantly street shoes and sneakers are not in contact with other things there. Simple and practical! Oh what many ways can that spot under the stairs be used by wise people!
It is easy to create storage space on a large balcony. It can be small open shelves, compact racks, and bedside tables. Just keep in mind that your balcony should be heated since patent leather shoes cannot be kept in the cold.
To store shoes, you can use a simple ladder and hang shoes on each stave by the heel. Pay attention to the unusual portable chests with compartments for storing all sorts of things. A variety of modules that can be seen in stores more and more often these days could also work. Some manufacturers even offer drums on wheels, which can be placed anywhere in the apartment.
Get creative, and you will find a place for all this footwear. And do not forget to teach the household members to put their boots and shoes away, so that you can finally relax. Take care of yourself!