Clean the fur collar of a jacket or coat

Clean the fur collar of a jacket or coat

Natural fur decorating the cuffs and collar of any coat, jacket or down jacket, has always been popular with fashionistas. But fur can begin losing its appeal after a while due to the excess pollution. How do you clean a fur collar and other natural fur parts?

The easiest way is to take the garment to the dry cleaners. But there is no guarantee that your favorite clothes will not accidentally be damaged, and not everyone can afford this service. If you have time, then you can clean your fur collar yourself, so let’s look at some useful tips on how to do it at home.

Dry cleaning of fur collar

Dirt on the fur collar, especially if the fur is light-colored, can be cleaned well using potato starch, semolina, talc, and even crushed chalk. In other words, any light substance that easily absorbs moisture and grease. To do this, grab a handful of the substance and rub the fur collar in different directions, shaking it periodically.

While using this method, the abrasive quickly darkens, absorbing the dirt, and the fur brightens.

After finishing, carefully shake out the remnants of the substance from the fur pile and air out the garment.

Purchase hardwood sawdust from a special store. Pour into a container and mix with gasoline. Next, you need to spread the fur collar out on a hard surface and clean it with sawdust. Gasoline should quickly evaporate, then you can shake off the remnants of sawdust with a brush. If you are using this method to clean the item at home, do it in a well-ventilated area without access to fire. Carrying out this procedure is not recommended for people with a sensitive sense of smell.

Beaver, nutria and otter fur decoration is quite difficult to clean because this fur has a long pile and a short undercoat, which makes dirt hard to remove. You can clean it with ordinary river sand. To do this, heat the sand, and rub the fur with a circular movement. After a time, when the sand that absorbed the dirt cools, you should carefully shake it out of the undercoat.

How to clean the fur collar at home if it cannot be unfastened, as it is typical for a down jacket or a parka? It is believed that it is quite possible to wash it with a the jacket in a neutral detergent, but without spinning. When you take the garment out of the washing machine, gently squeeze the body and sleeves of the jacket with your hands without twisting. Then gently flatten it on the drying rack, periodically shaking the item out and combing the fur until it is completely dry.

If the fur collar coat of jacket can be removed, then prepare a soap solution containing one liter of water and a tablespoon of shampoo. To clean the fur, shake the liquid well, apply the resulting lather with a soft sponge on the collar, and after 15 minutes rinse it in cool water. Do not squeeze, put it flat on a soft, absorbent cloth. Shake and comb the collar periodically with a sparse-toothed comb. When the fur is completely dry, comb with a thick brush in the direction of the pile.

Fur collar can be cleaned from grease at home if you mix a few spoons of salt and a spoon of ammonia in a glass of water. Dip a cotton ball in the resulting solution, and thoroughly clean the fur. Then dab with absorbent cloth, shake and let it dry.

If the light fur began to turn yellow, you can clean it using hydrogen peroxide.

Dilute the standard pharmacy concentrate in a glass of water, dip a cotton ball into it, and try to clean the pile thoroughly. Then dry the item under the sun. To achieve the purpose of whitening the fur collar at home you can also use Methylene blue . You need to dilute it in water to have a light blue solution, then clean the item with a cotton ball or a piece of sponge soaked in the prepared liquid. Methylene blue gives a visual effect of refreshing the fur product.

Wet cleaning of fur collar

At the end of cleaning, to make the fur shine, wipe the fur of the collar with a solution of acetic essence and do not forget to periodically moisturize the pile with glycerin to maintain a healthy and attractive appearance of your fur item.

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