Women, men, and children happily wear jeans, because jeans are truly a universal outfit that you can wear for a walk, a picnic, and to a party, and some people can even wear them to work. But sometimes life catches you off guard, and the clothes have just been washed, so it will be very useful to learn how to dry your jeans fast without damaging the fabric.
Ways to dry your jeans
Despite the tempting idea, it should be known that it is impossible to dry wet jeans completely, for example, in 5 minutes. In such a short time, you can dry only a small wet spot, if the clothes haven’t dried completely, or you have accidentally spilled water on the jeans. In case you need to dry the jeans completely after washing, you need to have patience, because it will take from one to several hours.
All ways of dry your favorite clothes quickly are basically the same – using high temperatures. There are several secrets about how to do this at home without damaging the fabric:
- Before drying, wring out the jeans in a washing machine, that leaves the minimum amount of moisture in them. A perfect choice will be if the washing machine has a mode of light ironing.
- All ways of rapid drying with regular use have an adverse effect on the tissue, so they need to be used only in extreme cases when this is really the only possible solution to the problem.
- If the jeans have been washed by hand, you can not even try to dry them fast, with this washing, a large amount of moisture remains in the fabric, and it’s impossible to dry the jeans quickly without proper wringing out.
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Using a hair dryer
Any women have a hair dryer, which can be used to urgently dry not only hair, but also wet clothes. Although this method is used to dry a small spot, it is also possible to dry the jeans completely after washing, although this process will take several hours. When you are in a hurry, you can speed up the process a bi by using bath towels before drying. You need to wrap your jeans in a terry towel, then start wringing them out, or just put weight on them. When the towel soaks up a part of the moisture, it must be replaced with a new one, and you need to do this procedure several times, after which it will be possible to dry with a hairdryer.
Begin with turning the jeans inside out , so it’s you can dry the hard-to-reach places, then the jeans are hung at a comfortable level so that you can approach them from either side. The hair dryer should be set to the maximum power, then use it to evenly treat the entire item with a warm stream, paying special attention to the sealing places – seams, pockets, waist-belt and fly. The distance between the jeans and the hair dryer should be at least 20-30 cm so the temperature does not spoil the color and texture of the fabric. Dry the jeans from the wrong side of fabric for an hour, then turn them out to the right side, and continue to dry. From time to time, it is necessary to direct the air stream into the inside of the pants, thus warming them up for 5 minutes.
Even with the use of towels, the drying procedure will take at least an hour, so you need to decide in advance whether it makes sense for you to dry the jeans this way.
Drying with iron
This method is a little bit faster than blow-drying but its effectiveness can be increased if you previously dry the jeans on the radiator or heater through a medium-density fabric. In this case, the jeans need to be turned over at intervals of 10 to 15 minutes; you need to dry from the wrong side of the cloth.
When the jeans are dried a little bit on the heater, you need to set the iron in the desired mode and start ironing out the fabric, without staying too long in one spot. To speed up the process, you can iron the jeans through a piece of cloth, it will help to further evaporate excess moisture. As in the first case, start to dry the jeans from the wrong side and then dry it on the right side.
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Drying in an oven
Since drying the jeans quickly is not always possible with the 2 previous methods, you can resort to the last way – the oven. Jeans are hung on the open door, the oven is warmed up to the desired temperature. This process will dry clothes up much faster, but certain rules should be taken into account:
- You need to turn jeans every 10 minutes;
- You have to constantly monitor the fire, so as not
to set a fire; - Before
drying, the oven should be absolutely clean, so that the jeans do not get dirty
and do not soak up the smell of food.
If you do not have enough time to monitor the oven constantly, it is better not to resort to this method, because you can not only spoil your favorite thing but also get problems that are more serious. It is better to dry jeans with an electric oven, only in extreme cases you can use a gas oven.