How to clean a blazer at home

Secrets of cleaning the jacket at home

A blazer is an essential part of both men’s and women’s wardrobes. This garment can be formal or casual; it gives one an appearance of a person with a certain status. It is not easy to care for a blazer at home. It can be made of different types of fabric, and each of them requires specific care. In this article, we will tell you how to clean a blazer by hand and remove complex stains on the sleeves, as well as reveal the secret of what easily available means will help refresh the fabric.

Suiting fabric blazer

Suiting fabric in most cases is a variation of polyester and elastane, sometimes with the addition of viscose. Suiting fabric blazers can be either dry or wet cleaned, they are wear-resistant and quite elastic, and do not wrinkle when cleaning. Cleaning a jacket made of any fabric at home is quite possible, with the help of our tips you can easily cope with this task.

To clean a suiting fabric blazer, please have these items ready:

  • soft brush,
  • spray bottle,
  • ammonia.

Prepare a mixture of one part ammonia to 4 parts water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the material while lightly brushing the fabric. When finished, hang the jacket on a hanger and let the material dry at room temperature.

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Suede blazer

Suede is a very tricky material. We do not recommend cleaning suede clothing at home if it’s excessively dirty, since suede is so easily ruined. A suede jacket might not survive washing, it is not recommended to squeeze or wring it. The item will shrink (get smaller in size) at temperatures over 40 °C. But we do have one simple way to clean a suede blazer delicately and carefully by hand.

You will need:

  • steam generator, steamer or a kettle;
  • rubber brush for suede.

Hang the suede jacket on a hanger. You will need any source of hot steam, so, if you have a clothing steamer, use it on both sides of the item, for 2 minutes on each side. If you don’t have one, then hold the suede over a boiling kettle, or over the pan with boiling water. The material will straighten under the steam. Then clean the still damp cloth thoroughly with a rubber bristled suede brush. After cleaning, let the blazer dry on its own.

Wool blazer

Wool clothes require special care, but cleaning a wool jacket at home is perfectly possible if done correctly. Remember a few simple tips:

  • wash wool only in cold water;
  • hand washing is preferred;
  • lay the jacket down flat to dry, to avoid shrinking;
  • do not crumple and do not fold the clothes, but carefully hang the blazer in the closet after wearing it.

To clean a natural wool blazer, you will need a brush for clothes.

If you dedicate 1-2 minutes daily to cleaning your blazer with a clothing brush, your item will serve you for at least a decade. A clothing brush cleans the fibers of wool removing all the dust and dirt particles that accumulate in the material while wearing. You can also clean the wool item with steam, as described in the method of cleaning a suede blazer.

Paying special attention to problem areas of the blazer

The dirtiest parts of every jacket are- sleeves (especially the elbow part and cuffs) and collar. Here are a few ways to clean problem areas for you to choose from.

Water + liquid soap

 Prepare a mild soap solution. Use liquid soap, or, if you do not have any, use baby soap, other types of soap can leave whitish stains on the jacket. Dilute 3 tsp soap in 500 ml of water. Then use a soft clothing brush dipped in the solution to treat the stained areas. Carefully brush the dirty places of the item, do not forget to wash the bristles in a clean solution.

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Vinegar solution

In addition to soap, ordinary vinegar also removes dirt from suiting fabric well. Mix it with water 50/50, and warm it slightly. If you are wondering how to clean the collar of the blazer-this option is for you. Use a cotton swab or a sponge to wipe the greasy sleeves and collar of the item. Do not worry about the acetic smell, it will disappear quickly. Vinegar not only removes stains and grease from the fabric but also refreshes the color – if the jacket is faded after washing, the vinegar will return it to its former brightness.


Fresh potatoes easily remove greasy gloss from suiting fabric. Wash a potato. Then cut it in half. Wipe the greasy areas of the item with the freshly cut part of the potato. After you have processed all the problem areas, you will need to remove the potato starch- to do this please wipe the affected areas with a wet sponge.

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