What to do if denim stains and fades after washing

What to do if jeans fabric stains and fades after washing

Jeans are the most popular casual attire, and a fashionable lifestyle best seller. They are loved and appreciated by millions of people. But still, sometimes weird things happen with your favorite piece of clothing: what to do if jeans stain and the skin and other clothing?

Why jeans fade

Let’s start with the fact that the main feature of most models of denim pants is their “fray” and “shabbiness”. In most cases, the surface of such items is appropriately treated during production, deliberately fraying and damaging the fabric, which gives the pants a special charm. But even classic blue jeans look much more interesting after a few washes, when the fabric becomes slightly faded and begins to look a little worn.

That is why a lot of styles, especially the dark-colored ones, use a rather poor dye. Also, in most cases, natural dyes are used during the production of jeans. So, this is not always evidence of poor quality of the piece, and shouldn’t be the reason why you immediately try to return the item to the store.

Anyway, you can check the dye durability while you’re still in the fitting room, by rubbing the item with a piece of wet white cloth. This procedure will give you an idea of what awaits you when you start to wear the item. To avoid discomfort, you need to follow some tips before you put on new jeans for the first time.

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How to avoid jeans staining

Do not wear new jeans immediately after buying them, even if you have a party in half an hour. Have a little patience, and your feet won’t end up the same color as the limbs of a chicken from the Soviet grocery stores, and your expensive light underwear will not be completely ruined by blue stains. You absolutely have to make your brand new garment undergo some treatments.


Turn the jeans inside out, zip all the zippers and fasten the buttons beforehand. Pour warm water into a basin, ad a tablespoon of table salt per liter, so that the pants will stain less. Soak the product in this solution for about half an hour. A longer time soaking in salt solution is not recommended because that can damage the fabric structure.


Remove the jeans from the basin and squeeze them lightly. Pour out the colored water, and pour clean water into the basin, add detergent powder not containing any bleaching components. You can use shampoo, baby soap or laundry soap. Water should not be hot when washing, because the garment will “fade” even more intensely. It is recommended to also add some salt, as you did when soaking, for less active color loss. Hand washing jeans is difficult, so you can use a brush with softer pile.


Rinse the jeans well, and do it multiple times. It is most convenient to place them on the bottom of the bath and pour water from the shower. Turn the over a few times to rinse well and remove all the detergent particles and salt.

First, use a shower with warm water, gradually turning it to a cooler temperature. The last rinse should be carried out in the basin, adding a little vinegar to the water for color fixation. After rinsing, the jeans need a little squeeze, but do not wring them out.

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Squeeze the jeans out too hard is not advised, and the water is going to drip out of them quite intensively, so you can hang the jeans directly over the bathroom if there are special devices for hanging them on. You can also hang the jeans on the inside of the balcony, putting a basin underneath them for dropping water.

The proper way of drying jeans is inside out, as they were during washing. Fix the jeans on clothesline by pinning the clothespins onto the belt.

Do not throw the pants over the clothesline, so that the pants are not left with corrugated strips. When the jeans dry, they will be very difficult to smooth, besides, you may end up with noticeable spots in some areas.

Usually, jeans are not ironed, because they do not require this procedure when the previous stages are properly performed. But if you have to, then iron the fabric from the inside with a warm iron.

To check whether you have achieved the desired result after washing, you can rub the leg with a piece of wet white cloth once again. If the cloth has not changed its color- your suffering was over before it began. If there are still blue stains, do not worry: the rest of the dye will be washed out after the next washing, so you can wear your favorite item for a long time without worrying about blue stains.

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