What to do if a light leather jacket got dirty

What to do if light leather jacket fouled

Light-colored clothes are always more problematic than the dark ones – every little spot becomes visible on light clothes, and the overall pollution is noticeable almost immediately. However, white clothes are attractive, they are loved by many women because the color of such clothes creates a good look and makes you to look younger. Next, we will learn how to clean a white leather jacket, using the simplest products that can be found in every home.

Safety measures

Before using any cleaner, try it on an obscured piece of leather on the reverse side of the product. Here is how we can check if the leather jacket is water resistant. Spray a little water on the leather on the inside. If the wet surface is darkened, then using water solutions to clean the jacket is not recommended.

You shouldn’t wet the entire jacket too much anyway, because after drying, it shrinks, and it can change structure and color. So these are the conclusions we can draw:

  • do not soak the leather jacket;
  • do not use the washing machine;
  • if the lining is not detachable, then be very careful washing it.

At home, you can only clean certain areas. Usually, the dirtiest spots are the cuffs and pockets, the places where the leather touches the neck and wrists. Sometimes you may face grease stains or ballpoint pen stains, as well as splashes of dirt from walking.

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Soap solution

Prepare a foamy soap solution. Some people use bath soap, but it dries the leather, so you can use liquid hand soap or shampoo. A cloth that is dipped in soapy water and squeezed out can be used to clean a stained area, such as a collar or pockets.

You can clean the entire surface of the leather jacket in a similar way at home, if you were dashed with mud by car while standing at the curb or crossing the road.

To clean greasy areas, add a little ammonia to the soap solution. Soap solution is washed out with tap water using a well-squeezed cloth or napkin. Then the leather surface is wiped dry and at the last stage smeared with vaseline or castor oil. These two products can be bought at a pharmacy.

You can clean not only white but also any light-colored leather jacket with soapy water; you can also replace vaseline and castor oil with transparent cream.

Milk or lemon

If the stains are easily removable, you can use cow milk to clean a white leather jacket. Put some milk in a saucer. Then take a soft cloth napkin, soak it in milk and wipe the outer surface of the jacket. Some stains come off, and the leather becomes a little softer due to the fats contained in milk.

If there is a need to bleach and clean slightly yellowed leather jacket at home, then use natural lemon juice. Squeeze the lemon into a cup, dip a cotton ball into the juice and carefully, lightly, wipe the jacket with it.

Don’t bleach too often, because you can permanently damage the protective layer.

Eraser or solvent

Try to clean a white or light leather surface with an eraser. This method works very well for cleaning suede products .Be sure to use only a new, clean eraser, so as not to stain the jacket even more.

Pen ink or other deep stains on white leather can be cleaned at home with liquid nail polish remover or turpentine, diluted in milk (1:1). Any solvent, whether pure gasoline, turpentine or acetone, should be used with extreme caution.

Before you use it for cleaning, you need to make sure that it will not damage the leather. Rub a solvent-soaked swab over the back of the lapel and wait for a while. Only if you do not see obvious changes, you can begin to clean carefully.

When home products are not readily available, you can use lotion for cleaning the leather seats of the car. It removes dirt very well, but can only be used on smooth leather. To make it easier for you to choose the right cleaning product in the right situation, here is a comparison table:

Product Features
Soapy water with ammonia Washes minor stains well
Milk Washes out minor stains, makes leather softer
Lemon Lightly whitens and cleans the jacket
Eraser Removes stains on a light suede jacket
Pure gasoline, a liquid nail polish remover, turpentine Removes difficult stains, but it is needs to be applied with care
Egg whites Adds Shine
Castor oil, Vaseline, transparent cream Softens the leather

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Some extra tips

There are special products available for leather jackets. They should be bought along with leather clothing and regularly used, then the product will keep its good appearance for a long time. If you want to discuss more inexpensive home cleaning methods, we can add a few more tips:

  • Rub a clean leather jacket rubbed with whipped egg whites. This makes the leather shiny.
  • Softness is achieved at home with the help of glycerin. Moisten a sponge with glycerin and wipe the surface of the leather with it. This tip works well for light jackets, because glycerin is clear.
  • When there is a need to dry the garment, just hang it on a hanger. Drying is carried out at room temperature in a well-ventilated place.
  • Select hangers of such size and strength that they do not bend under the weight of outwear. In this case, the jacket dries evenly and does not change its shape.

If you see that the pollution is complex, and home products can not cope with it, then take your favorite jacket to the dry cleaners.

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